Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Benghazi Cover-up - According to Glen

Following the successful raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, President Obama began touting his success in fighting terrorism and saying that “Al Qaeda has been decimated.”  He basically told the American people that we didn’t have to worry too much about Al Qaeda anymore. 

Then, on September 11, 2012, the President’s worst nightmare came true.  An Al Qaeda backed terrorist group systematically attacked the U.S. Consulate and the attached CIA annex, killing our Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.  Whether in complete disbelief, the paralysis of fear, or simple incompetence in the face of difficult decisions, the Obama administration did nothing.  In fact, it has been stated by many witnesses that various military teams were told to stand down rather than to respond to the seven hour long attack. 

Testimony by the so-called “whistleblowers” was that Hillary Clinton denied the normal, required security levels at the consulate even after they were repeatedly requested.  Gregory Hicks, then second in command in Libya, testified that he called the State Department directly when the attack began to inform Clinton of what was happening – a terrorist attack.

The Obama administration’s lack of response to the attack suddenly became a campaign concern.  An attack by a “decimated” Al Qaeda could hurt his chances of being re-elected.  Talking points memos submitted to the White House from the CIA described the attacks as terrorist attacks yet, when the White House issued a statement the next day all references to Al Qaeda and terrorism had been scrubbed from the narrative. 

Certainly their worries make sense.  Seven weeks from the election the President didn’t want anyone to believe he wasn’t being exactly honest about Al Qaeda.  Fortunately for the President, a public protest erupted in Cairo, Egypt on September 10th because of an anti-Islamic Youtube video that had been produced in the United States.  The protesters targeted the embassy in Cairo, vandalizing the outside and eventually climbing the walls and replacing the American flag with the flag of – you guessed it, Al Qaeda.  What a perfect thing to use as a distraction from the truth in Benghazi.

And so, on the morning of September 12th, the official White House statement was that the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was a spontaneous event stemming from protests over the video.  It was perfect….  except that it didn’t contain a shred of truth.  The President, Jay Carney and Secretary Clinton spent the rest of the week pushing the video story.  The President even used it in his Rose Garden speech concerning the attack.  They attempted to pass it off as truth.

Five days after the attack, our ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, went on five separate Sunday morning news talk shows with the story of the video.  She denied the attacks were the responsibility of terrorists but merely spontaneous riots in response to the video.

Two weeks following the attacks, President Obama went before the United Nations and again professed it to be the result of a video.  All of these people knew the truth yet they all continued the mantra in order to maintain the faith of the Obama voters.  According to White House transcripts, President Barack Obama described al Qaeda as having been “decimated,” “on the path to defeat,” or some other variation at least 32 times after the attack, between September 11th and November 1st, 2012. 

Hillary Clinton appointed two people from the State Department to investigate the incident.  They decided the response to the incident was appropriate and that no one had done anything wrong.  They failed to interview Secretary Clinton because, in the words of one investigator, she had already stated she did nothing wrong.  The investigation was a complete waste of time.

Fortunately for the American people (but not so much for the President), news organizations not loyal to the President (OK… Fox) not only didn’t believe him but continued to investigate the incident.  Republican lawmakers also investigated it and held hearings in an effort to discover the truth.  During her Congressional testimony, when asked whether the attack was spontaneous or terrorism, Secretary Clinton uttered her now infamous phrase “What difference, at this point, does it make?”  In a typical effort to protect Obama and herself, the Secretary tried to negate the importance of what happened and hide the fact that they were still covering up the incident as much as possible.

Now, eight months after the incident, and though the President and Jay Carney still deny it, we now know the attack was an Al Qaeda based attack, the administration knew it by the next morning and everything they said about the video was a fabrication.  The President is on the defensive because he can’t admit lying to the American people but everyone with any common sense at all (and with their eyes and ears open) knows he lied and why.  Even members of the liberal mainstream media are talking about it and demanding answers. 

It’s not looking good for the President right now.  The liberal media has always been on his side and it seems they’re finally discovering what conservatives have known from the beginning – that Obama cannot be trusted and he’ll do or say whatever is necessary to maintain his Presidency.  Even as recently as yesterday he continued to deny the truth about a cover-up and ridiculed Republicans for even trying to find the truth, passing it off as simple partisan politics.  The families of the victims and the American public deserve the truth – even at Obama’s peril.  He claims his is the “most transparent administration in history.”  Well, Mr. President – time to put your job where your mouth is.

1 comment:

  1. Clinton was an obvious liar who just stuck to his story. Obama doesn't care whether you believe his story or not. He is the King.
